Headland, AL and Abbeville, AL
Brittany Killingsworth is a lighting specialist with Alabama Power who had the rare privilege of designing for both her hometown and the city in which she now lives – Abbeville, Alabama and Headline, Alabama, respectively.
The cities approached Brittany with requests for lighting designs for their walking trails. As a new lighting professional, Brittany found Cooper Lighting Solutions’ Light ARchitect app to be an indispensable learning and design tool as she worked on layouts for these communities that are so important to her.
The city of Headland requested lighting for a walking trail which was to be built with grant funds. Brittany had to design a lighting plan that would provide reliable light for nighttime walkers while keeping in mind the city’s budgetary constraints. The project was further complicated by the curving trail which couldn’t be handled by typical lighting and required a more customized design.
Because the project was still under construction, Brittany used the Light ARchitect app’s site plan feature to upload a blueprint of the walking trail. That allowed her to visualize the result using photometrics and then present it to the mayor and city council for approval. Brittany was able to quickly create a customized design for her customers to help them make decisions faster and easier by taking the guesswork out of the process.
The project was a success! The lighting design was approved by the city council and the walking trail was illuminated with 33 Streetworks Traditionaire fixtures. The trail looked fantastic and became a huge asset to the community of Headland.
Brittany worked on a similar project in her hometown of Abbeville, where she again used the Light ARchitect app to optimize the lighting for a walking trail. The app helped her streamline the process and made it easier for her to present her designs to customers.
Douglas Park, Abbeville, AL

Girard Park, Abbeville, AL

Light ARchitect is the lighting simulation app that makes lighting as mobile as you are. It’s free and available for iOS and Android devices as well as web browsers.